Howdy, from the Desk of Kaelan Moss in Dallas, Texas. 🤠

The year was 2017.
I was about to graduate college from the University of Oklahoma.
The TV was on in the living room.
It was a sunny day, and the light was shining through the living room window.
The house was calm, and the spring weather was beautiful.
Then, my phone rang.
On the other end was a family friend of mine.
It was one of my mom's friends from high school.
He was calling to ask me about graduation details.
He called to ask me about my plans after college.
I honestly didn't know what I wanted to do.
I told him that I was looking for an internship (or really any job that would hire me).
And his one piece of advice changed my life forever.
I genuinely believe that this one piece of advice I'm about to share is why I've been able to:
- Land jobs even during tough times.
- Start a business when everyone else says there are no job opportunities.
He told me to start a YouTube channel and share everything I know about life on that channel.
He said:
"When you learn something, share it on YouTube. Tell the world your story, don't let someone else tell it."
That changed my perspective on everything, including job hunting.
Since then, I haven't looked back.
I share what I know about:
- Salesforce
- Marketing Cloud
- Salesforce Career Advice
- Being a Digital Nomad
- Working remotely
- And everything in between
Sharing my story has brought me more opportunities than I could ever imagine.
It's the reason that new clients are able to find me.
It's the reason I've been able to travel the world.

It's the reason I've been asked to speak at Salesforce conferences as a keynote speaker.

And it's the reason I have my own voice.
Career Advice
I encourage you to share your voice.
Share what you know with the world.
Give advice.
Be willing to look silly.
Be willing to be ridiculed.
It's okay...
Like the old saying goes:
"Those Who Mind Don’t Matter, and Those Who Matter Don’t Mind"
I hope this career advice changes your life like it changed mine.
Kaelan Moss - MinuteAdmin Out ✌🏽