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A Full Guide To Overcome Writers Block (Step by Step)

What’s the easiest way to overcome writer’s block?

Write to yourself.

Most people forget to write to themselves when they put pen to paper (or pixels to screen)

The easiest person to talk to is yourself.

You can talk to:

  • The younger version of yourself


  • The older version of yourself

It’s that simple.

I first heard this concept from Dan Koe.

And ever since then it’s made my writing much easier.

As a matter of fact, I’m following that principle right now.

And here’s why you should, too.

Writing to yourself does 3 things:

  1. Makes it easy to give advice to yourself (in real-time)

  2. Helps you improve your life

  3. Teaches you internal life lessons (not external).

In essence:

Writing to yourself helps to internalize what’s going on in your mind.

Internalizing is deciphering.

Deciphering your mind is a superpower that very few people use.

Most people are:

  • Anxious about the past, present, and future.

  • Worried about what people think about them.

  • Replaying negative stories in their heads like a broken record player.

When you write, you release the junk out of your brain.

It’s a chance to data dump so to speak.

When you data dump your thoughts, you free your brain up for:

  • Brilliant ideas

  • Memory Space

  • New Knowledge

The benefits of writing to yourself are limitless.

That’s why it’s a superpower.

If you don’t write to yourself, then write to a friend.

Writing to a friend is an easy way to jot down what you really want to say to someone.

For example, most of my YouTube content was created for friends.

A majority of my Marketing Cloud blog articles were written to answer my friend’s questions.

If you keep answering the same questions over and over, it may be time to start writing.

The questions that a friend asks are the questions that other people ask.

Who knows, your writing could go viral just by answering people’s questions.

Helping people solve their problems is how you grow an audience as a creator.


Right now, you’re probably asking...

What should you write about?

Here are some recommendations:

  • What lessons do you want to teach yourself?

  • What stories do you want to share?

  • What ideas do you want to brainstorm?

  • Which tasks do you need to complete?

Write down your:

  • Ideas

  • Concepts

  • Frameworks

  • Lessons

  • Stories

They’re not doing you any good up there in your brain.

You need to organize the information in your mind.

That’s exactly what writing does.

Writing structures your mind.

But what about the structure in which you write?


Writing Structures

Now that you know what to write about, you need a structure for writing.

Think of writing structures as: 

Filing cabinets to help you organize your ideas.

Most people write, but they don’t think about their writing structure.

You see it all the time when people write blobs of paragraphs.

Blobs of paragraphs are where ideas go to die.

And people do it all the time in:

  • Emails

  • Text messages

  • LinkedIn posts

Writing structures aren’t taught in school.

If they are, they're based on old, historical writing.

That’s why you never liked writing English papers.

It was old and stuffy writing.

Your ideas need room to breathe.

Give them space.

Writing structures allow you to plug your ideas into a framework.

Notice how everything I’m saying is one or two sentences long.

Then, I move to the next sentence.

That’s what you call “giving your ideas room to breathe.”

The next question you might be asking is:

What are some good writing structures to follow?

3 writing structures to follow:

  1. 7 Days to Genius 

  2. Ultimate Sales Letter

  3. How to Teach Your Frameworks

Let’s break down each one.


Structure One: 7 Days to Genius

  1. Topic

  2. Brain dump

  3. References

  4. Big problem

  5. Big benefit

  6. Objections

  7. Personal experience

  8. Frameworks

When I use the 7 days to genius writing structure, people get inspired.

This one always gets good feedback.

Big props to Dan Koe for sharing this writing structure in his 7 days to genius challenge.

He took the challenge off of his website.

But it was legit while it lasted.


Structure two: The Ultimate Sales Letter

  1. Open with a shocking statement

  2. State the problem and why it’s a big deal

  3. Agitate the problem

  4. Make it even worse for them (to push them over the edge)

  5. Introduce the solution

  6. Credibility: why they should listen to you

  7. Proof

  8. Exactly what you get

  9. Specific reasons to act now

  10. The close

I have to give credit to Jim Edwards for this one.

He has this structure on point.

If you're trying to sell something, this is the formula.


Structure three: Framework For Teaching Frameworks

  1. Share how you learned or earned it (the path from A to B)

  2. Share the strategy (each step)

  3. The tactics (each specific step inside of the strategy steps)

  4. Case studies of other people you’ve helped who have achieved success with your framework.

If you want to teach people how to do something, this is what you use.

If you're a teacher or coach, this is how you get your students to care about what you're teaching.

Plus, this is the roadmap to success for your students.


How to Use These Writing Structures

Use these writing structures to:

  • Create emotion

  • Stay on track

  • Tell a coherent story

  • Keep people engaged.

  • Convince people to take action.

How do these structures help you?

All you have to do is follow these structures and fill your content into the right spots.

Following a writing structure will 10x your writing speed and quality.

Over time, you’ll create your own structures.

Over time, you’ll start to freestyle when you write (and it’ll still follow a coherent structure).

If you’re writing and you don’t follow a proven structure, you may miss the mark.

Your writing needs to do something to the reader.

If not, you’ll lose their attention, and they’ll go somewhere else online.

You need to spark emotion and make them interested in your story.

It’s up to you to keep them engaged long enough to read all the way through.

You’re writing should have a goal.

Whether that’s:

  • Getting them to change their behavior

  • Change their actions

  • Make a purchase

  • Follow you

  • Hit the subscribe button

A writing structure helps you stay on track and accomplish your goal.


To summarize

If you want to overcome writer's block, follow three steps:

  1. Write to yourself

  2. Pick a topic to talk to yourself about

  3. Follow writing structure

It's that simple.

If you follow the three steps above, you won't worry about what to say or how to say it again.

Kaelan Moss - MinuteAdmin Out ✌🏽


When You're Ready,
Here's How I Can Help

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